The car service center is located at 62- Arakelyan (Anastasavan) Yerevan, where qualified specialists will repair the car's chassis completely, as well as the engine.
In the center, you can buy and set original Korean HIQ brake pads for almost all Japanese and Korean cars. Settingis free.
HIQ advantages:
- silent
- with a guarantee
- inexpensive
- quality
- does not damage discs
, автомеханик
, авто
, avto
, ավտո
, xodovik
, xadavik
, խադավիկ
, ходовик
, davit
, araqelyan
, arakelyan
, автосервис
, avtoservis
, avtoservic
, ավտոսերվիս
, տեխ սպասարկում
, matarist
, motorist
, матарист
, моторист
, калодки
, колодки
, kalodka
, kolodk
, tormoz
, tormoznoy
, тормозные
, тармазные
, 94429469