EMEL wedding salon
From a wide selection of wedding and evening dresses of the Emel salon you can find a perfect dress for every taste.
We have a large selection of wedding accessories:
Orders are accepted for wedding accessories, candles, plates with the design you like.
The choice can be made from the assortment. You can have it both for rent and for sale
With Emel, your most important day in life will turn into a fairy tale.
Attention, renting a wedding dress and accessories from Emel, you will receive a discount on one of the most delicious Cake.am cakes.
emel wedding salon
, +37495010702
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, эмел свадебный салон
, +37495010702
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, емел
, emel
, wedding
, свадебный салон
, платье невесты
, платья в аренду
, вечерние платья