ARIS Tavern offers delicious fast food at the address Yerevan, Sebastia 95. Delivery of the whole assortment is carried out for an additional fee in Yerevan for just 300 drams."ARIS" menu: Lahmagio - 180 dramKhachapuri Adjaraian - 700/800 dramKhachapuri Megrelian - 800 dram PizzasPepe..
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Shaurmasis delivery around the clockShauarma in lavash 700 AMDShauarma in bread 500 AMDHoddog 300 AMDDraft beer Dilijan and KilikiaKvassRound-the-clock delivery for free in the city of Masis and at the Masis station..
300 դ․
The best Caucasian cuisine in Tonrashar, where the best chefs turn cooking into an art.Tonrashar is a fast food establishment. All dishes are prepared using only fresh local meat.Delivery service for orders from 3500 AMD to any point in Yerevan is possible...
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