Pro Group offers its services on online platforms, being the link between your business and your potential clients. Trust our team of professionals and feel the difference.
Pro Group is a professional approach to every business.
Services we offer:
- Market research
- Drawing up a "portrait" of the target audience.
- Development of an SMM strategy and discussion with the client
- Content plan development
- Creation of company / organization / brand pages on social networks and filling in information
- Creating text content
- Visual design
- Development and implementation of promotions, competitions
- Advertising (targeting)
- Using free promotion tools
- Communication with subscribers
- "Reading" statistics and reporting
Address: Yerevan, Abelian 6/4, TGA business center
, progroup
, smm
, marketing
, govazd
, IT
, vichakagrutyun
, content
, plan
, advertising
, profesional
, proffesional
, dizayn
, dizain
, design
, прогруп
, Исследования рынка
, Разработка SMM стратегии
, бренд в социальных сетях
, создание
, дизайн
, Реклама
, таргетинг
, Քոնթենթ-պլան
, բրենդ
, բրենդավորում
, պրոֆեսիոնալ
, պրո
, գրուպ
, պրոգրուպ