

Training center "Zeytun" is a specialized institution for teaching foreign languages and preparatory lessons for the students. The main goal of the center is to improve the educational level of students and schoolchildren and develop independent thinking. The center was founded in 2018.
There is a Children's development center for children 3-5 years old.
Training courses
Lesson preparation is carried out for students in grades 1-9 in all subjects. Training is conducted individually or in a group. In each group there is not more than 8 students, and it makes an individual approach to each student.
Development Center "Zeytun" for children 3-5 years old
Training program:
● Speech Development
● Preparing hand for writing
● Numerology
● Development of logical thinking
● Basic knowledge of foreign languages (English, Russian)
● Drawing (application)
● Play dough to develop hand motor skills
● Singing
● Dancing
● Getting to know nature
● Healthy lifestyle (hygiene)
● Rules of conduct
● Development of communication skills with peers and adults
● Contests and games developing thought
● Excursions in nature
● Watching educational cartoons and films